
mcrav HMS is an integrated new generation Hospital Management Software which converges latest technology and your administrative process to manage work process within the hospital. This is designed for multi-speciality hospitals, to cover a wide range of Hospital administration and management processes.Basically the Hospital is Comprises of providers of diagnostic, preventive, remedial, and therapeutic services such as doctors, nurses, hospitals and other private, public, and voluntary organizations. It also includes medical equipment and pharmaceutical manufacturers and health insurance firms.

In the last two decades, healthcare has gone beyond taking care of the sick and disabled. Healthcare and medical agencies have embraced complex technical innovations and treatment methods, making quality management a must. The complexity and speed at which healthcare and medical industry is growing, it has become significant to go for an approach that allows healthcare agencies to develop at a fast pace that does not sacrifice quality, care and management.

mcrav HMS is primarily meant to improve the services, efficiency and quality of healthcare to the respective patients. Several key data are retrieved instantly, which help the consultant doctors to manage their patients in much better way as they can see results based on various tests from Laboratories & Radiology. Proper drugs can be managed with contra indications are displayed to doctors based on Patients’ history.

mcrav HMS Various Modules

The various modules that our mcrav HMS offers have been enlisted below keeping in mind the requirements of any modern Hospital.

  • 1. Registration and Enquiry Management

  • 2. Appointment & Queue Management

  • 3. OPD Management

  • 4. IPD Management

  • 5. Medical Record Department(MRD)

  • 6. Pharmacy Management

  • 7. Operation Theater Management

  • 8. Laboratory Information System

  • 9. Blood Bank Management

  • 10. Payroll and HR Management (Optional)

  • 11. Service Order Processing and Billing

  • 12. Financial Accounting System

  • 13. Insurance Management

  • 14. Patient Referral System

  • 15. Nursing and Wards Management

  • 16. Bed Census Management

  • 17. Housekeeping and Laundry Management

  • 18. Management Information System (MIS)
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