mcRAv Customer Relationalship Management (CRM)

In CRM (customer relationship management), CRM software is a phrase used to describe a category of enterprise software that covers a broad set of applications and software to help businesses manage customer data and customer interaction, access business information, automate sales, marketing and customer support and also manage employee, vendor and partner relationships.

Why CRM Software?

Any well-developed business marketing class will teach you that businesses grow and succeed based on their relationship with their customers. Satisfied customers will be repeat customers and happy customers will refer new customers, so it's paramount for any thriving business to keep their customers happy. A key component of managing customer relationships is having the right Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software. CRM software has been designed to help businesses benefit from their customer relationships.

Why CRM Software?

Any well-developed business marketing class will teach you that businesses grow and succeed based on their relationship with their customers. Satisfied customers will be repeat customers and happy customers will refer new customers, so it's paramount for any thriving business to keep their customers happy. A key component of managing customer relationships is having the right Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software. CRM software has been designed to help businesses benefit from their customer relationships.

Through CRM software you have the ability to track each customer with an individual file. The file documents any orders they have placed as well as interaction they have had with members of your team. As your employees quickly recall a client's orders or favorite products, they can produce an up-sell by offering additional products that fit the customer's shopping habits. Also, in each individual file the software will track emails, phone calls, face-to-face meetings, faxes and other forms of communication used by your company. Employees can take notes to highlight what the customer said and refer to those notes in the future. By helping customers know that you recognize them personally, you can maintain strong relationships and devoted customers. Through strengthening clientele that you already have the best customer relationship management software will help you discover new clients through referrals from your satisfied customers.

Today's CRM Software !

CRM software is designed to help businesses meet the overall goals of customer relationship management (See CRM definition). Today's CRM software is highly scalable and customizable, allowing businesses to gain actionable customer insights with a back-end analytical engine, view business opportunities with predictive analytics, streamline operations and personalize customer service based on the customer's known history and prior interactions with your business.CRM software is commonly used to manage a business-customer relationship, however CRM software systems are also used in the same way to manage business contacts, clients, contract wins and sales leads.

Contact Information

In this category, we rank each software package on its ability to store specific information for each contact. In the fast-paced business world, you need to be able to access your customer’s information quickly. In addition to addresses and phone numbers, some CRM software choices will let you save maps, company websites, social media pages and relations to other contacts.

mcRAv Solutions Help & Support

Rankings from the Help & Support section are based on the support that each CRM software manufacturer provides for their products. We take into account the resources they provide for their users and the response time for their customer support team.